A Single Day
John Singer Sargent is said to have completed a portrait of a famous client in a single day and sent a bill for $30,000 which the client disputed in court. Sargent was questioned by the Judge: "Mr. Sargent, is it true that you charged him $30,000 for a single day of painting?"

Mr. Sargent replied: "Well, Yes your honor; and thirty years!"

In TaiJi, everybody wants to Issue Force, but few know how to Receive Force (without being overcome...) Holding Ones Frame while traveling after being pushed: It's critical! If you release your frame, you bounce from one body part to another -- off balance and likely to get hurt, or hurt someone else. In motion and out of control! Certainly that wall will never recover... But if you "Post" and hold your frame steady, you will still fly; but fully erect and making simultaneous contact with both feet. A pretty picture of a student handling the considerable force a master might manifest from time to time. It's just as important to be able to Receive Force as to Transmit It.

I've watched my elder brother Receiving Force again and again from Sifu. Each time, holding onto his frame and letting the force dissipate as he bounced to a controlled stop. Beautiful, and confounding as I have tried repeatedly and unsuccessfully to match him.

(Today, I'm in Portland on vacation, studying with a new Master and happily anonymous...)

"Posting and Flying! Want to try Receiving Force today?"
"Sure! I think I can get it together. Push me!"
Well, the fates conspired and I held on -- bouncing happily across the patio stones... (Laughing is really optional, but helps express the joy of gathering a new skill.)
"Do me again! I can fly! That's so cool!"

Back Home, the question comes; "Posting and Flying: You mean to say you learned to Receive Force in a single day?"

"Well, Yes, your honor, and fifteen years..."

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